Assessment is an important part of learning and is required to gain a nationally recognised qualification or statement of attainment.
How will I be assessed?
Your JHI trainer will provide you with documents that detail how and when you will be assessed. All accredited courses are competency-based, which means your assessment is based on your ability to demonstrate your skills against the standards prescribed by industry in the training package.
Your JHI trainer and assessor will gather assessment evidence using a variety of assessment tasks in a variety of contexts. Your results will be recorded as either competent or not yet competent. If you are judged as not yet competent you will be given other opportunities to be reassessed.
If you have completed the assessment task within the required assessment dates but are initially assessed as unsatisfactory, you may be entitled to re-sit or resubmit the assessment event. This only applies to initial attempts or submissions that are considered to be a genuine attempt by the student.
If your assessment is returned to you because it is incomplete you will have three (3) weeks from the date of notification of the original assessment result to resubmit your assessment for marking. Two (2) resits or resubmissions may be granted for each assessment event and will be subject to approval by your JHI trainer.
What is an assessment review?
If you disagree with the outcomes of an assessment you have the right to appeal. You must speak to your JHI trainer to ask for a review as soon as possible after receiving your result.